DeWeese-Dye Ditch and Reservoir Company

P O Box 759, Canon City, CO  81215-0759

Current Status


9/4/24:  Good morning Shareholders!!

We will be ending the irrigation season on Wednesday September 25, 2024. Shareholders may receive some water for a couple days after that date as we work to drain our reservoirs, so please be aware of the remaining ditch water as the season ends. Our Supers will conduct repairs along the system during winter months in preparation of the 2025 irrigation season. We ask that you pay any past-due assessments asap in order to avoid termination of water. Thank you to our Ditch Supers for all of their hard work in making this a successful irrigation season, and we look forward to next season!

DeWeese Dye Ditch & Reservoir CO


6/21/24:  Good morning,

Shareholders who are in Division #2 fed by the little reservoir will have low water today, Friday June 21, 2024, while our Superintendents repair unexpected damage to pipe. If you experience low water today, it is because of this reason. We expect to have the pipe repaired as soon as possible, barring any unforeseen circumstances. Please share this information with anyone who may need it. Thank you for your patience while our Supers work to repair the pipe.

6/14/24:  Good morning Shareholders,

The Board has been in discussions this morning, and after evaluation over the last couple of days and considering concerns from Shareholders, have decided to start the water back up beginning tomorrow, Saturday June 15, 2024. Please understand that, with the current storm warning, the Board may need to shut the water down again if it threatens our infrastructure or causes flooding. It is difficult to determine water delivery operations when weather conditions are this volatile. Share with any Shareholders who may not use electronic communications. We thank you for your patience and understanding of our operations during this stormy season.

DeWeese Dye Ditch & Reservoir CO


6/12/24:  Good morning Shareholders!

After much discussion and evaluation of the current weather conditions along our delivery system, the Board has decided to shut the ditch off for the rest of this week (Wednesday June 12, 2024 thru Sunday June 16, 2024). We will resume water delivery beginning Monday June 17, 2024. Shut down is due to system-wide flooding and high water levels at the headgate. Shutting down during these torrential rain events will also allow us to protect our infrastructure. We will post to the website and notify via email if there are any changes to this schedule. Please share with other Shareholders who may not use electronic communications. Thank you for your continued understanding of our efforts in conserving and protecting our water and our infrastructure!

DeWeese Dye Ditch & Reservoir CO


6/11/24:  Good morning Shareholders,

We are shutting the ditch off the rest of today Tuesday June 11, 2024 and tomorrow Wednesday June 12, 2024. Shut down is due to system-wide flooding and high water at the headgate. We will post to the website and notify via email if there are any changes to this schedule. Please share with other Shareholders who may not use electronic communications.

Thank you for your patience while Mother Nature takes over!


5/13/24:  Good evening Shareholders,
We will not be running water on Monday, May 13th, Tuesday May 14th, and Wednesday May 15th due to the amount of moisture we have and continue to receive. We will plan on running water again on Thursday May 16th, unless weather conditions dictate otherwise. Please share with any Shareholders who may not utilize electronic communication technologies.


5/3/24:  Good morning Shareholders,
We have received several phone calls about flooding from debris in the ditches and laterals. In accordance with our governing by-laws, Shareholders are responsible for their laterals, and must work together to keep the laterals free of debris to allow water to flow properly for all Shareholders. Violation of our by-laws will result in fines and/or termination of water delivery. I have attached an informational summary that will help Shareholders to understand their responsibilities and ditch operations. Please share with other Shareholders who may need this information.
As always, we appreciate all you do to help maintain your laterals!


5/3/24:  Good morning Shareholders, The water damage on Division 3 has been repaired and Shareholders will receive water Saturday May 4, 2024 on their regular irrigation day. 


5/1/24:  Good evening Everyone, 

Our irrigation water will start up for Shareholders who are in Division 1 tomorrow (Thursday)  May 2, 2024; and for Division 2 on Friday May 3, 2024. We are still working to repair the damage on Division 3 and will provide you with an update once the repairs have been completed.  If you are unsure of which Division you are in, please refer to our website maps located at:


5/1/24:  Hello Shareholders,

We will not be running water today May 1, 2024 as originally planned, as there has been unexpected damage at one of our locations on Division 1.  We hope to have the repair taken care of as soon as possible, and will let you know when water will resume.  We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause, but was out of our control.  Thank you for your patience.



Good evening Shareholders,

The Board met this evening to discuss the water start up schedule. We will begin flushing the main ditch on Monday April 22, 2024 and Tuesday April 23, 2024; and then flushing laterals on Saturday April 27, 2024, and Sunday April 28, 2024. Please be present that weekend to clean your laterals while flushing operations are occurring! We will have a TENTATIVE irrigation water start date on May 1, 2024. Should there be changes to this schedule, we will notify Shareholders via email and/or the website. Please share with anyone who may not use electronic technologies as a form of communication.

If you would like to volunteer to help our Supers get our ditch ready to receive water, feel free to jump in!

Thank you for all you do, and we look forward to another successful irrigation season!






9/16/23:  Good morning Shareholders!

The Board has decided to shut the ditch down for Monday September 18; Tuesday September 19, and Wednesday September 20, 2023 due to the moisture we have received. We will resume water delivery on Thursday September 21, 2023. Please share this notice with any Shareholders who may not utilize electronic forms of communication.

We will let you know of any further changes in our water delivery schedule as they occur or if this will change our irrigation season end date.

Thank you!


9/5/23:  Hello Shareholders!

The Board has decided on a tentative water shut off date of Wednesday, September 27, 2023. If this date changes, we will let you know via email and/or website notification. Please share with any Shareholders who may not use electronic communication technologies. We want to thank you for all you have done in cooperation with our Ditch Supers and fellow Shareholders in making 2023 a successful irrigation season! We will be conducting off-season repairs and look forward to a successful 2024!

Thank you.


6/18/23:  Good afternoon Shareholders!

We will not be running water on Monday June 19th, Tuesday June 20th, and Wednesday June 21st. Water delivery will resume on Thursday June 22, 2023. We have received ample amounts of rain, and will continue to conserve now to try and extend the irrigation season later. Please share with any Shareholders who may not use electronic communications.

Thank you so much for continuing to work with us on conserving our water!


6/12/23: Good evening Shareholders!

With the vast amount of rain we received today, we will not be running water Tuesday June 13th, Wednesday June 14th, Thursday June 15th, Friday June 16th, and Saturday, June 17th. We will plan to resume water delivery on Monday, June 19, 2023. You will be notified of any changes to this schedule. We ask that you PLEASE clear your laterals of any debris while our Supers work to get the main ditch clear, as it will take all of us working together to get the system operational after this event.

As always, please share with anyone who does not use electronic technologies to communicate. Thank you for continuing to be patient while we work thru our weather conditions-this was a pretty big event. Thank you!

6/8/23:  Good afternoon Shareholders!

Our Ditch Superintendent will be running reservoir fill operations on Friday June 9th 2023, and Saturday June 10th 2023 (depending on how long it takes to fill). We ask that you DO NOT USE the water, as we are only trying to fill the reservoir for water delivery next week. Please share this notice with Shareholders who may not use electronic forms of communication. Thank you in advance for your cooperation!


6/6/23:  Good evening Shareholders!

The Board has decided to shut our water down from Wednesday June 7, 2023 thru Sunday June 11, 2023 due to the amount of rain we are receiving. We will resume water delivery to our Shareholders on Monday June 12, 2023. Please share this notice with any Shareholders who may not use electronic communications. Mother Nature is being good to us, so we are going to continue to let her assist us in our water conservation efforts!

Thank you all for everything you do! 


5/21/23:  Good afternoon Shareholders!

We will not be running water on Monday May 22nd, Tuesday May 23rd, Wednesday May 24th and will plan to resume water on Thursday May 25th. We continue to receive ample amounts of moisture and want to conserve the water to try and extend our season, so we will take advantage of the help from Mother Nature. Please share this notice with any Shareholders who may not use electronic technologies. Enjoy the rain!

Thank you!


5/17/23:  Good morning everyone!

The Board has decided to extend the water shut down for the rest of this week, and plan to resume water delivery on Monday, May 22, 2023. We are receiving and continue to receive ample amounts of rain, giving us the ability to keep our water for use at the end of the season. There will be some water in the main ditch to maintain the reservoirs-we ask that you do not use this water. As always, we will let you know of any changes to this decision via email and website posting. Please share with Shareholders who do not use electronic technologies. Thank you for all you do in helping us maintain our system and water resource, and thank you to our Ditch Superintendents for all of their hard work!

Have a wonderful rest of your week!


5/14/23:  Good afternoon everyone, and Happy Mother’s Day!!!!!!!!!

The Board has decided to not run water on Monday May 15th, Tuesday May 16th, and Wednesday May 17th due to the amount of rain we have and continue to receive. We are going to try and take advantage of the moisture and extend our irrigation season. Water delivery is planned to resume on Thursday May 18th, unless we receive sufficient rain. We will keep you posted!

Please share this notice with any Shareholders who may not use electronic technologies.

Have a wonderful rest of your weekend!


5/11/23:  Good morning Shareholders!

We will not be running water the rest of this week: Thursday May 11th, Friday May 12th, Saturday May 13th, and Sunday May 14th due to the amount of rain we are receiving. We will save our water to try and extend the irrigation season, and let Mother Nature help us! Water delivery will resume on Monday May 15th.

All of our notices will be emailed to Shareholders who have provided their email address, and posted to our website.  Please pass this notice along to Shareholders who may not utilize electronic technologies. As always, we appreciate all of your cooperation and patience during our irrigation season. Thank you Mother Nature!

Have a great day!


4/28/23:  Good morning Shareholders!

This is just a reminder of the start to our 2023 irrigation season (please see the previous email below). Our Supers will be flushing laterals this weekend (April 29th and April 30th), so please clean your laterals and be ready to receive water. If you would like to volunteer to help our Supers, please contact them directly at 719-276-8568 to coordinate work load. Our first official irrigation day will be Monday, May 1, 2023. Attached is our reference sheet for you to review in anticipation of water delivery.

We look forward to a successful season, and appreciate all you do!

Quick Reference for DeWeese Ditch


4/3/23:  Hello Shareholders!

The Board has determined to begin our 2023 irrigation season! We will begin to flush our system on Wednesday, April 26, 2023. Shareholders may receive water in the divisions where flushing takes place prior to the tentative start date. Our first irrigation day will be on Monday, May 1, 2023. This is a tentative date and could change due to river call and Mother Nature. Should there be any changes to the tentative dates, we will notify Shareholders via email (if an email address has been provided), and post to the website. Any Shareholder who would like to volunteer to help clear ditches of debris would be greatly appreciated! If you are interested in volunteering, please contact our Ditch Supers directly at: 719-276-8568. Dates for volunteers will be Friday April 28th and Saturday April 29th. Have your laterals cleared of debris and ready to receive water prior to May 1, 2023.

We are getting a slow start this year due to the water levels, but hope to have a successful irrigation season. Please share this information with any Shareholder who may not utilize electronic forms of communication. As always, we ask that you work together during our irrigation season so that all active Shareholders receive water.





Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the DeWeese-Dye Ditch and Reservoir Company will be held at the Brookside Community Center, 1720 Brookside Avenue, Brookside, Colorado, at 7:00 p.m., on Saturday, the 14th day of January, 2023 (the same being the day fixed by the Bylaws of the Company for the election of directors) for the following purposes, to-wit:
  • To authorize the 2023 assessment on capital stock to be levied pro-rata on the shares of stock to maintain the ditches and reservoir in good repair and to pay the indebtedness heretofore contracted for the repair of the ditch and the interest thereon.

  • To elect two Directors.

  • To transact any other business which may properly come before the shareholders.

If you are unable to attend this meeting, fill out a proxy, writing in the name of a stockholder who can attend and represent your shares.  All proxies must be signed.  You may also mail your proxy in no later than January 1, 2023 to:   DeWeese-Dye Ditch,  PO Box 759,  Cañon City, CO  81215.

Dated this 5th day of December, 2022.

Annette Reed-Pugh


9/5/22:  Hello Shareholders! 

We will be ending the irrigation season on Saturday September 10, 2022.  Shareholders may receive some water for a couple days after that date as we work to drain our reservoirs, so please be aware of the remaining ditch water as the season ends.  Our Supers will conduct repairs along the system during winter months in preparation of the 2023 irrigation season.   We ask that you pay any past-due assessments asap in order to avoid termination of water.  Thank you to our Ditch Supers for all of their hard work in making this a successful irrigation season, and we look forward to next season!


8/6/22:  Good afternoon Shareholders! 

The CPW issued a warning for Lake DeWeese stating algae levels were high at Lake DeWeese.  We tested our water this week, and the results are below detectable levels at our headgate.  If you have any questions or concerns with regard to Lake DeWeese and the fishing there, please contact the CPW. 



7/28/22:  Good afternoon Shareholders!


We wanted to follow up with you about the algae occurring at DeWeese Lake, from the previous email notification.  We received our water test kits and have conducted our water testing.  The results of the test came back below the limit of detection, meaning that toxins were not found to be present.    


We will continue to monitor our water and provide test results as we work our way through irrigation season.


7/22/2022:  Good morning Shareholders, 

The CPW has issued the following warning with regard to blue-green algae at DeWeese Lake, please see the following link: 

DeWeese Dye Ditch has testing kits on the way, and will provide you with test results and continue to monitor the condition of our water.  Last year, and in years’ past, the algae has not been found to be present this far down from the Lake, but Shareholders are encouraged to follow the CPW guidelines posted on their website. This is a normal occurrence at the lake during warmer weather conditions.  The CPW monitors the water regularly, so if you have questions about the safety of the water at the lake, feel free to reach out to the CPW.  

As always, we thank you for working together to ensure water delivery to all of our Shareholders.  Have a great day! 


5/24/2022:  Hello Shareholders!

The Board has decided not to run water at all this week.  We will resume water delivery on Monday, May 30, 2022-unless we continue to receive moisture, and will notify Shareholders of any changes to these plans.  We have received ample moisture and are still clearing branches and debris from the snow storm.  Hopefully we will be able to extend our irrigating season longer!  We do ask that Shareholders also work to clear branches from your laterals in an effort to mitigate any flooding once water resumes.

Please share with any shareholders who may not utilize electronic technologies. 

Thank you, and have a great rest of your week!

Respectfully, Respectfully,
Annette Reed-Pugh
DeWeese Dye Ditch & Reservoir CO719-275-8495


5/22/2022:  Good morning Shareholders,

This is just an update to the previous email.  Our Supers will be working today (May 23rd), tomorrow (May 24th), and Wednesday (May 25th) trying to clear the branches and limbs that have fallen into our water delivery system.  The snow really did some damage!  We ask for your patience and cooperation while water is suspended and while the Supers work to clear the ditches.  If you are able to volunteer some of your time to help clear branches, please do so!  There is a lot of work involved and it will take time to get things back up and running. 

If you happen to see our guys, make sure to stop and thank them for all of the work they do to keep our system running.  We still plan on resuming water on Thursday, May 26, 2022, barring any other unforeseen circumstances, and will keep you posted.   

 Please share this information with any of our Shareholders who may not utilize electronic communications.

.Respectfully, Respectfully,
Annette Reed-Pugh
DeWeese Dye Ditch & Reservoir CO719-275-8495


5/21/2022:  Good evening Shareholders,

We will not be running water from Monday May 23, 2022 thru Wednesday May 25, 2022.  We have received ample moisture from the snow, and there are branches down all along our system.  It will take some time to remove the branches and debris.  We plan to resume water delivery on Thursday May 26, 2022.  Should there be any changes to this schedule, we will notify you. 

Please share with fellow Shareholders who may not utilize electronic communications.  Your patience and cooperation are very much appreciated during this time.  Thank you to our Ditch Supers, Board Directors, and Shareholders for all you do, and stay safe!

Annette Reed-Pugh
DeWeese Dye Ditch & Reservoir CO719-275-8495


5/21/2022:  Good morning Shareholders,

We are shutting the water off for today, given the circumstances and the broken limbs that are down- some blocking our water delivery.  We should be up and running tomorrow if conditions change to where we are able to run the water.  We will keep you notified.  Please stay safe and enjoy our Colorado Spring!

Annette Reed-Pugh
DeWeese Dye Ditch & Reservoir CO719-275-8495

5/3/2022:  Good evening Shareholders! 

As some of you are aware, we are experiencing fill issues with the Little Reservoir that feeds part of Division 1 and part of Division 2.  We ask for your patience in working toward a solution to the matter, as it is not immediately apparent as to what the issue is.  It is recommended that Shareholders who run pumps use a float switch to keep your pumps from running dry, as we cannot foresee problems or guarantee water delivery while we work to correct the issue.   Rest assured, our Superintendents are doing everything they can to figure things out, and are working as quickly as possible to get this issue resolved. 

In the meantime, make sure you stop and say HI and thank our Supers for all they are doing……..they are dealing with many, many issues to keep our water moving.  We appreciate all that you do in working together in managing our water! 

Annette Reed-Pugh
DeWeese Dye Ditch & Reservoir CO

4/26/2022:  The obstruction has now been cleared and our Supers are on their way back to turn the water on in preparation of tomorrow’s run.  Thank you all so much for your patience while we worked to correct this issue, and a huge thank you to our guys for all they do!  Water will run as scheduled tomorrow, April 27, 2022. 

4/26/2022:    Good afternoon Shareholders,

We are experiencing an obstruction in the main pipe, from the cemetery to Hadley’s; and are dong an emergency shut-down.  We are working as fast as we can to remedy the issue, and are hoping to have it fixed by tomorrow, Wednesday April 27, 2022.  Our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause, but we ask for your patience and understanding while we work through it!  Notices will be posted to the website with updates, as well as emails to Shareholders who have provided their email addresses.

 Please share with any Shareholders who may not utilize electronic communications.


DeWeese Dye Ditch & Reservoir CO  719-275-8495



4/18/22:  Division 3 has a major leak and will be shut down until further notice. Board is working to rectify the problem. There will not be any tail water during this time.

4/18/22:  Ditch is experiencing lower water volume due to the amount of water being turned into Crooked Ditch from South Cañon Ditch.


4/4/2022:  Hello Shareholders!

DeWeese will begin flushing our system on Monday, April 18, 2022 in preparation of our 2022 irrigation season.  We will begin our regular irrigation season on Monday April 25, 2022.  Please have your laterals and systems cleared of debris and ready to receive water on your division days.  We will begin our season at two days per week per division.  Should there be any changes to this schedule, we will post to the website and email Shareholders who have provided their email address.  Please pay any back assessments in order to avoid water termination.  We look forward to this season and ask that all Shareholders work together to make this a successful season!




   Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the DeWeese-Dye Ditch and Reservoir Company will be held at the Brookside Community Center, 1720 Brookside Avenue, Brookside, Colorado, at 7:00 p.m., on Saturday, the 8th day of January, 2022 (the same being the day fixed by the Bylaws of the Company for the election of directors) for the following purposes, to-wit:

  • To authorize the 2022 assessment on capital stock to be levied pro-rata on the shares of stock to maintain the ditches and reservoir in good repair and to pay the indebtedness heretofore contracted for the repair of the ditch and the interest thereon.
  • To elect two Directors.
  • To transact any other business which may properly come before the shareholders.

   Current COVID regulations will be followed.  If you are unable to attend this meeting, fill out a proxy, writing in the name of a stockholder who can attend and represent your shares.  You may also mail your proxy in no later than January 1, 2022 to:  DeWeese Ditch, PO Box 759, Cañon City, CO  81215.

   Dated this 6th day of December, 2021. Annette Ortega    


9/6/21:  Good evening Shareholders!

The Board has set an end date for water irrigation this season to be Saturday, September 18, 2021.  We will drain the reservoirs after September 18th, so Shareholders who receive water from the reservoirs will receive water after that date while reservoirs drain.

We wish to thank you all for everything you have done in working with your neighbors and in maintaining your laterals this season!  Our Ditch Supers will continue working throughout the off-season to complete needed repairs and maintenance along the system to ensure another successful irrigation year for 2022.  Those of you who have not paid your assessments for 2021, please do so. 

We look forward to next season!


8/25/21:  Good evening Shareholders!

Justin Krall with the Colorado Parks and Wildlife provided the following update with regard to the algae at DeWeese Lake:  “our tests are showing an elevated toxicity level.  We are going to elevate from the “Caution” stage to the “Danger” stage based on the toxicity levels.  We will be in that stage for at least two weeks until we get two negative results.  We will be testing the next two Mondays.  We will keep you updated”

We performed our own water test on our irrigation system August 22, 2021, with results of “Below Detection Limit”.  As the CPW moves into the next level of “Danger”, even though toxins were not detectable from our water test here, please follow the CPW’s guidelines:

For more information with regard to the conditions at DeWeese Lake, please contact the CPW directly at:  719-561-5300.

We will keep you updated as information is received.  Thank you all for your cooperation in navigating our irrigation season. 

Have a great week!



8/1/2021:  Good morning Shareholders!

The Board has made the decision to shut irrigation down from Monday, August 2, 2021 thru Wednesday, August 4, 2021; due to the amount of moisture we are receiving.  Irrigation will resume on Thursday, August 5, 2021.  Please share this information with any Shareholders who may not utilize electronic communications.

We know this may not be convenient for everyone, but the idea is to try and extend the season for as long as possible, and use the moisture to our advantage.  We try to time the shut downs in accordance with what the weather is doing, in an effort to benefit all Shareholders.

Thank you so much for all you do in helping to maintain our system, and have a great week! 


7/25/21:  Good evening Shareholders,  

We will not be irrigating Monday, July 26, 2021 thru Wednesday, July 28, 2021 this week, as we have been receiving ample amounts of rain.  We will plan on resuming irrigation beginning Thursday, July 29, 2021.  Please share with any Shareholders who may not utilize electronic communications.

 Thank you for all you do, and we look forward to more rain!

 Have a great week!

7/13/21:  Good evening Shareholders!

We have completed a test on our water as a cautionary measure due to the blue-green algae present at DeWeese Lake, and wanted to provide you with the results.  The test was performed today at our headgate, and was below any detectable level, meaning toxins were not detectable/present.  We hope this will ease any concerns as to the safety of our irrigation water. 

 The CPW is continually monitoring the water at DeWeese Lake, and although the algae is present, toxins are not as of our last correspondence with the CPW.  If you wish to stay informed of the algae levels at the Lake and what the CPW is doing to mitigate/monitor it, click on the link:

 As far as our irrigation water, we will continue to provide any updates necessary with regard to our water, and inform you of any further issues that would affect our water.

 We appreciate all you do in working together and being good stewards of our natural resource.

 Have a great week!



7/9/21:  Good morning Shareholders,

Just an update to the blue-green algae at the DeWeese lake: 

From Justin Krall with the CPW:  “Our water quality specialist looked at the water samples from last week and this week.  She said the algae is still present but no indication of toxins.  I think the rain and cool weather helped.  We are still in the caution stage.  We will continue to monitor weekly and test accordingly”.

In the meantime, please follow the cautionary measures provided by the CPW at the following link:

DeWeese Dye Ditch has testing kits on the way, and will provide you with test results and continue to monitor and provide updates on the condition of our water.


7/9/21:  Good morning Shareholders, 

We are experiencing a delay in water today.  This is because the water level in Grape Creek is down by 200 cfs.  Superintendent Drake has turned the water up, and you should be receiving water soon.  If you are experiencing further issues, please contact Drake directly at:  719-276-8568.  We apologize for any inconvenience this is causing, as the circumstances are out of our control.  We will do our best to get water to you as soon as possible!



We have been informed of blue algae at the DeWeese Lake.  The CPW (Colorado Parks and Wildlife) is monitoring the situation, and issues the following information: .  If the link does not open, you will need to copy and paste it into your browser.

We have reached out to the CPW, Public Health, and DOW to obtain more information on how this may affect our Shareholders; and to obtain factual information so that we are able to provide the correct information to you.  We have not heard back from these entities as of yet, and will pass along any information they provide to us.  It is believed that, by the time the water reaches us, the levels will be dissipated…. but we are going to confirm that with the aforementioned entities.  In the meantime, please follow the suggestions provided by the CPW in the article, as a cautionary measure.
We will be testing our water and will provide you with updates and results as soon as we receive them. If you have any questions about the algae at the Lake, please contact the CPW directly at: 
Bill Vogrin
Southeast Region Public Information Officer
719-466-3927 /
Thank you for your patience and cooperation while we try to obtain accurate information on this matter.  Our main focus is to protect our water resources and our Shareholders!  Please share this information with fellow Shareholders who may not utilize electronic technologies.

7/4/21:  The Board has made the decision to shut water down from Monday, July 5th, 2021 thru Wednesday July 7th, 2021.  We have received a significant amount of rain, and are expecting more.  Please share this information with any Shareholders who may not use electronic technologies. 

We appreciate all you do for our water delivery system.  Have a safe and happy 4th of July!


6/6/21:  Good morning Shareholders! 

We will not be running water Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday this coming week (June 7th, June 8th, and June 9th ) due to major leaks at the Lakeview Cemetery.  We will work as quickly as possible to restore water, but the leaks are significant and will require the water to be off so that repairs can be completed.  We anticipate opening water up on Thursday June 10th, barring an unforeseen circumstances.  Please pass this notice along to Shareholders who may not utilize electronic technologies.  If anyone would like to volunteer to help, please feel free to do so!  As always, we appreciate all of your cooperation and patience while needed repairs are completed.  A HUGE thank you goes out to our Ditch Supers and Board Directors in working to make our water delivery system beneficial to our Shareholders.


5/17/21: Good evening Shareholders, 

We will not be irrigating tomorrow, Tuesday May 18, 2021, due to the moisture we are currently receiving.  As it stands right now, we will start irrigating again on Wednesday, May 19, 2021.  We will notify you of any changes as they occur via website and/or email. 

Thank you, and have a wonderful evening.  Enjoy the rain!


5/4/21:  We will not be running water today Tuesday May 4, 2021, due to issues filling the reservoir.  We should be up and running by tomorrow May 5, 2021.  We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience.


4/26/21:  Good morning Shareholders!  

We have another change to the start date.  I apologize for all of the changes!  We are now able to run tomorrow, Tuesday April 27, 2021.  The Supers were able to get everything lined out a day sooner.  Please share this notice with any Shareholders who may not utilize electronic technologies.  If you have any issues with your water delivery, please contact either Chris or Drake directly at 719-276-8568.   Thank you for your patience and understanding, and we look forward to this irrigation season!


4/23/21:  Good afternoon Shareholders! 

We have a change to the start date of our water irrigation.  The date has changed due to weather and repair conditions.  We will begin flushing from the reservoirs tomorrow, April 24, 2021; and flushing will continue Monday and Tuesday.  Our official start date will now be Wednesday, April 28, 2021.  Irrigation will be twice a week per Division, conditions permitting.  Should this change, Shareholders will be notified either via email (if provided) and posted to our website at:   

Please make sure to clear your ditches and laterals of debris prior to then.  We ask that you also share this information with any Shareholders who may not use electronic technologies.

We look forward to a successful irrigation season, weather permitting.  Thank you all so much for all you do!




                Hello Shareholders!  The Board has set an irrigation start date of Monday, April 26, 2021 for this season.  The plan is to irrigate two days per week per Division.  However-as you know, this could change according to weather conditions.  Should this happen, we will post to the website, and notify Shareholders via email if an email address has been provided.  Please begin clearing all of your laterals of debris in an effort to have free-flowing water for the benefit of all Shareholders.  Let’s work together to get things moving!  We are also looking for Volunteers to help flush.  Chris and Drake will begin flushing on Saturday, April 17, 2021.  They will start at the beginning of the line and work their way through to the end of the line.  If you are available that weekend, please lend them a hand!  You can reach Chris and Drake at:  719-276-8568.  They will let you know where you can Volunteer.  Thank you for all you do to help DeWeese and fellow Shareholders.  We look forward to a successful season!!!!





8/28/20:  We will begin conducting our regular monthly meetings at 5:00 pm (instead of 7:00pm) for the off-season, starting with the Monday, September 7, 2020 meeting.  Anyone who would like to attend may do so.  We meet the first Monday of every month at the Brookside Town Hall, located at 1720 Brookside Avenue; at 5:00 pm during off-season, and 7:00 pm during irrigation season.  Social distancing guidelines will be enforced, and masks are required. 

We will be ending the season on Wednesday, September 2, 2020; for those of you who did not receive the prior email.  Please share with other Shareholders who do not utilize electronic notification technologies.


8/21/20:  Good morning Shareholders!

I hope this email finds you all well!  We will be officially ending our 2020 irrigation season on Wednesday, September 2, 2020.  That said, Shareholders may receive water after the September 2nd date from the reservoirs as they are being drained.  It has been a rough, dry year, but we are happy to be able to irrigate through August.  I know we all hoped for a regular irrigation season, but really appreciate all of your cooperation during this dry year.  Let’s all look forward to 2021, and hope for abundant rain and snowpack!

Please remember to pay your assessments, as late invoices went out August 1, 2020.  We ask that payments be mailed to PO Box 759, Cañon City, CO  81215.  Contact Secretary/Treasurer Ortega for any questions about your account.

Thank you for all you do to keep our water flowing, and for helping each other!  A special thank you goes out to our Ditch Superintendents Kevin and Chris, for all the hard work they have put in; and thank you to each of our Board Directors for their efforts in making sound decisions and working together to ensure the success of our water delivery system!


6/28/20:  Good morning Shareholders, 

As you know, the past couple of meetings have been closed meetings due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  We are planning on holding an open meeting at our regular monthly meeting on Monday, July 6, 2020.  The meeting starts at 7:00 pm.  If you choose to attend, social distancing guidelines will be in place and enforced.  Masks are required to be worn (you will need to supply your own mask), and the 6 foot social distancing will be maintained.  

Thank you all so much for your patience and understanding.  This has been a very trying, difficult time for everyone, and we will continue to keep safety in top priority.


6/3/20:  Good evening Shareholders!  Below we are providing the attached lists for your information of repairs that have been made by our Ditch Superintendents.  The Supers were tasked with providing a list of needed repairs along the system (from DeWeese Lake and Grape Creek through Brookside), both small and large projects, to the Board for review.  The Board reviewed and prioritized the repairs, with the most critical repairs taking top priority.  The Supers have completed most of the repairs on the lists, and continue to conduct both preventative maintenance and regular maintenance on our water delivery system. 

Division Boxes and Small Repairs

Large Repairs


5/31/20:  Good morning Shareholders!

Due to the amount of rain we have recently received, and the amount of rain that is still expected, the Board has decided not to run water the week of June 1, 2020.  We will add the run to the end of the season (if conditions permit), thereby extending the season one more week.  We hope that you understand the reason for this decision, and more information can be found at the following link with regard to water levels:

Please share this notice with Shareholders who do not use electronic means of communication.   We appreciate all you do!  Have a great day, and stay safe!



5/26/20:  Good morning Shareholders, 

Due to the continuing threat of the spread of the COVID-19 virus, our meeting for June 1, 2020 will be a closed meeting.  We do not have anything pressing to discuss, but still want to do all we can to protect ourselves and all of our Shareholders from the COVID-19 virus.

 We hope you understand and will bear with us during this difficult time. Thank you all for everything you do!  Stay safe,



5/4/20:  Hello Shareholders, 

Effective immediately, Monday May 4, 2020, irrigation will run one day a week per division.  Irrigation days will be Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday this season.   This decision is based upon current calculations and snow pack levels.  Running one day per week per division, current calculations will allow us to run to August.  The Board felt it would be best to try and run as long as possible to get the most benefit for all Shareholders.  We hope that you understand, and appreciate your cooperation in getting through another rough season together. 

Also please remember that maintenance of laterals is each Shareholders’ responsibility, so your cooperation in clearing debris from your ditches and laterals is very much appreciated.  Shareholders are encouraged to work with one another to resolve issues that arise with water delivery and debris along the laterals.  Mitigation repairs and maintenance conducted throughout the winter by our Supers have resulted in better and more consistent water flow that all Shareholders will benefit from.  A thank you goes out for all of the hard work our Supers have done! 

Thank you for all you do, and stay safe!


5/1/20:  Good morning Shareholders!  Our May meeting will be a closed meeting, due to the risks of the COVID-19 virus still being active.  We are hoping to have open meetings again beginning in June, and will monitor the situation for the safety of all of our Shareholders.  We will keep you informed and appreciate your patience and cooperation during this time. 

As we are beginning irrigation season, please direct all water-delivery issues to our Ditch Supers Kevin and Chris, 276-8568.  We appreciate all you do in helping to maintain our system, and look forward to this irrigation season!

Stay safe.

4/6/20:  Hello Shareholders!  Our Superintendents will begin flushing the system beginning Monday, April 20, 2020.  Our first official irrigation day will be Thursday, April 30, 2020.  Please begin clearing your laterals and ditches, and we ask that you work with your neighbors to help prepare for irrigation season.   The more your laterals and ditches are clear of debris, the smoother the process!  Remember to maintain social distancing and cooperate with each other as much as possible.  We look forward to a successful irrigation season.  Thank you for all you do!

3/23/20:   Due to current social distancing to slow potential spread of COVID-19 in the community, the meeting scheduled for Monday, April 6, 2020 will be closed to the public/Shareholders.  We appreciate your flexibility, patience, and understanding in this difficult time.  We have dedicated Board members and staff who will continue to work to provide essential services, even though how we conduct business has changed temporarily.  We appreciate all you do, and we will get through this together!



2020 Annual Meeting Notice

Download Notice Here

10/8/19:  Shareholders, 

At our regular monthly meeting this evening, it was decided to shut the water of this Wednesday, October 9, 2019.  We have had a great season this year, and want to thank all of you for all you have done to make this a successful season!  Thank you to our Ditch Superintendents for all of their hard work, and our Board for protecting our water.  If you have any questions about water delivery issues or your laterals, please contact our Ditch Superintendents, Chris & Kevin, at 276-8568.  We will be conducting much-needed repairs throughout the winter and look forward to the 2020 irrigation season!


9/26/19:  Hello Shareholders!  The Board will be deciding on the end of season water shut-off date at our regular monthly meeting on October 7, 2019.  We will post the shut-off date to our website, as well as email Shareholders who have provided us with their email.  Thank you!

9/13/19:  Good afternoon Shareholders, The pipe has been repaired on the west side of Elm and SH115, and we are now operational.  Barring any unforeseen circumstances, we will be operating as usual.  Thank you to our Superintendents and all who helped in repairing the damage. Have a great rest of your week!

9/12/19:  Good afternoon Shareholders, Repairs will be conducted to the pipe located on the west side of Elm and SH115 tomorrow (Friday, September 13, 2019).  Shareholders who receive water in Division 2 on Friday, (fed from the big reservoir by the cemetery), will experience water delivery interruption.  Our Superintendents will work as quickly as possible to complete the repairs, but it may take a couple of days.  We will keep you updated via email and website.  Please share with others who may not use electronic communication technologies.   As always, we appreciate your patience and understanding of the situation, and are doing all we can to keep our water running. Have a great evening,

9/10/19:  We wanted to provide an update on the repairs to the gate at the Little Reservoir.  The gate has now been repaired and is operational at this time.  Our Superintendents and President worked diligently to repair the gate and restore the water.   The gate failed due to the age and wear of the headgate system.  The Ditch has been working on an improvement/repair plan to address the damage of our aging system.  We will be assessing the issues along our water delivery system, and will prioritize both large and small projects in an effort to improve our infrastructure.  As with any aging infrastructure, we have many items in need of repair and/or replacement.   We look forward to working with our Superintendents, Board, and Shareholders to accomplish the many goals we envision.  With that said, if you are able to volunteer some time to help, please let us know.  We are hoping we can accomplish the much needed repairs together!   As always, thank you so much for your patience while the work was completed today.  We appreciate all you do!

9/9/19:  Good evening Shareholders, 

Due to issues with our Little Reservoir location,  Shareholders who irrigate from that reservoir will not receive water until further notice.  We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and will work as quickly as we can to get the issue resolved.  We will post updates to our website and will provide email updates as they occur.  Please share with your neighbors who may not utilize email or website technologies. 

If you have any questions about water delivery within your division, or are unsure of your division, please contact the Ditch Superintendent at 719-276-8568.  You may also visit our website at: for a map of the divisions. 

We appreciate your patience and cooperation while we make needed repairs. 

8/6/19:  To All Shareholders:  Please keep your laterals and ditches free of debris and vegetation.  Our Ditch Superintendents are working hard to keep water delivery flowing, but are coming across overgrown vegetation, causing water delivery to slow.  Shareholders are responsible for keeping their laterals and ditches clear, so please help us and your neighbors to maintain the laterals and ditches.  Your help and cooperation are greatly appreciated.  Thank you for all you do!

7/10/19:  Good Day All!  The Ditch will be attempting to irrigate from the Little Reservoir 6 days this week (week of July 8th)  Should you have any questions about your water delivery, please contact the Ditch Superintendents directly at 719-276-8568.

5/23/19:  Good morning Shareholders, We will not be running irrigation water today, due to the rain.  Thank you Mother Nature!  Thank you.

5/20/19:  Hello Shareholders!  We will not be running irrigation water Tuesday May 21st and Wednesday May 22nd, this week, as the forecast is calling for more rain.  We will take advantage of Mother Nature while we can.  Irrigation water will resume on Thursday May 23rd, depending upon weather conditions.  Notifications will continue to be posted on our website at:; as well as to our Shareholders who have provided an email.  Please help to notify Shareholders who do not use electronic technology. Thank you all for your patience and cooperation.

5/14/19:  Good evening Shareholders!  This communication is to inform you of a temporary shut-down out of Reservoir #9.  We will not be running water out of this Reservoir this Thursday, May 16, 2019.  The reason for this interruption is because the County crews will be conducting repairs located at 1616 Lombard where the lateral crosses the roadway.  Water delivery will resume on Friday, May 17, 2019 as normal.  Please share with your neighbors who do not utilize email and/or computer technologies.  We appreciate all of your patience while the repairs are performed.

4/2/19:  The Ditch will begin irrigation season on Monday, April 29, 2019.  We will run our normal 2 days a week per division.  We ask that all Shareholders clean their laterals and perform the needed vegetation and debris removal, in accordance with our By-Laws.  This will help to ensure a smooth start to our irrigation season.  Please contact Kevin, our Ditch Superintendent at 276-8568, with any water delivery/irrigation questions or concerns.  Shareholders who have not paid their 2018 assessment will not receive water, so please pay your assessment ASAP to avoid termination of water delivery.  Contact Annette Ortega at 275-8495 for billing questions.  We look forward to a better year!


Notice of Annual Meeting

9/14/18:  We will be draining the reservoirs on Monday, September 17, 2018.  This will allow for some Shareholders who are supplied water from the reservoirs to receive water one final day.  Shareholders who normally receive water from the main ditch will not receive water, as we are only draining water from the reservoirs.  We appreciate all of the cooperation provided by our Shareholders, and look forward to 2019!  We hope to receive snow and ample moisture for our 2019 irrigation season.  Thank you to all, and have a great winter!

8/24/18:  The Board has decided to NOT run irrigation water next week - the week of August 27, 2018, since we have received adequate rain to extend the season.  This will make our last week of irrigation to be the week of September 3, 2018; running September 3, 4 and 5.  We still hope for more rain!  Thank you for being patient and cooperative this season, it has been a tough one!

8/19/18: We will be running water the week of August 20, 2018; one day per Division.  You will receive water either Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday in accordance to the Division you are in.  As of now, we have two weeks of water left, which will include the week of August 20, 2018.  We will notify you of any changes, as well as post any notifications to our website. 

8/10/18:  The Board has decided not to run water next week, the week of August 13, 2018.  We have enough water for 2 more runs (weeks), and we will add irrigation water from next week to the end of the season.  We appreciate your cooperation in the decision, and still hope for more rain.  Please share with any of your neighboring shareholders who do not receive email notices or use computer/internet services.

7/27/18:  Irrigation water will not run next week, the week of July 30, 2018.  Water will resume on Monday, August 6, 2018.  Due to lack of stored water, and with the ground being wet from moisture we have received and more rain to come, the Ditch feels it is best for Shareholders that the water be saved from next week to be able to extend the irrigating season that much longer.  We hope you will understand and we appreciate your cooperation.  We will keep our website updated with any changes. 

7/24/18: The debris has been removed and water will run for Division 2 as scheduled, thank you all for your patience!

7/24/18:   We are experiencing issues from flooding during last night's rain, and as a result, water has been shut off until we are able to remove the debris.  We will notify you when we are able to restore water.  Our Ditch Rider is working diligently to clear debris from our headgates.  Please check back for updates.  Your patience is very much appreciated.

6/5/18:  To All Shareholders:  As of June 4, 2018, there are about 8 to a possible 10 weeks of single-day irrigation left.  Unless we receive significant amounts of moisture, we will run out of irrigation water in roughly 8 to 10 weeks.  We will keep you notified via website, or you may call in or email us to add your email to our notification list, and we will notify you via email.  We apologize for an inconvenience this may cause you, and will hope for rain!

5/18/18:  Beginning Monday, May 21, 2018, irrigation days will be one day per week per division.  Irrigation days will be Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday only.  This decision was made due to the lack of water, and in an effort to conserve the water we have in storage.  We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.  If we receive enough moisture to increase irrigation days, we will again post the notice to our website.  We appreciate your patience during this difficult time.

5/8/18:  There will be no water for the area of Locust, Ash, and Poplar in Division 2 today, Tuesday May 8, 2018, as there are issues with  the intake.  Water will be restored on the next regularly scheduled day of Friday, May 11, 2018.  We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

5/7/18:  First Division shareholders that receive water directly from the ditch will not have water this morning due to issues with the intake.   We are working to remedy the situation as soon as possible, please be patient.  We hope to have water restored later today. 

5/4/18: Good afternoon,   The water in Division 2 between Poplar and Elm will be shut off.  Some of the pipe in the area is plugged, and is flooding the area.  We will turn the water on once the issue is resolved.

4/3/18:  The Ditch will begin the 2018 irrigation season on April 30, 2018, on our normal schedule.  All Shareholders should clean their laterals prior to the season so that we do not have issues with water flow.  Please be good stewards of our water resources.


Archived Current Status Messages (Prior to current year) HERE