9/30/17: DeWeese Ditch will shut water off from Thursday, October 5, 2017 thru Sunday October 8, 2017; and will resume on Monday, October 9, 2017. Shut down is in conjunction with the City of Cañon City street repair project.
9/15/17: DeWeese Ditch will be shut off from Thursday, September 21, 2017 to Sunday, September 24, 2017; as a culvert is being installed in conjunction with the City of Cañon City street improvement project, and water will resume on Monday, September 25, 2017 as long as there are no unforeseen circumstances.
9/15/17: The last day of running water for the season will be October 14, 2017.
5/1/17: The 2017 start date for water has been changed to Thursday, May 4. Receiving the abundant rain and snow is the reason for the change. This will give Ken Fulton, our Ditch Superintendent time to survey the ditch for downed branches and/or trees. Thanks for your cooperation.
4/6/17: The Board of Directors and Ditch Superintendent have set Monday, May 1, 2017, as the tentative start date for the 2017 water season. The main ditch is being cleaned currently, and the shareholders have some time to get the laterals into shape. The main ditch will be flushed and the reservoirs filled the week prior to May 1. Your cooperation is appreciated.
9/22/16: The tentative last day for water for the 2016 season is Saturday, October 8. Following this the reservoirs will be drained.
6/20/16: As of June 13, 2016, the Company has a new Ditch Superintendent, Ken Fulton. His phone number is the same one held by the former Ditch Superintendent, (719) 276-8568.
5/18/16: The water in the ditch is currently shut off due to rain and colder temperatures. It is planned that water will resume on Friday, May 20.
4/28/16: Due to unforeseen maintenance issues on the ditch, the water start date will be changed to Monday May 9.
4/12/16: The first day of water for the 2016 season is tentatively set for Monday, May 2. There will be flushing of the main ditch prior to the May 2 start. Shareholders are asked to cooperate with the Ditch Superintendent and his crew to facilitate cleaning ditches and making necessary repairs. Cleaning laterals is the responsibility of the shareholders. Happy watering!
3/19/16: The meeting place for the monthly Board of Directors meeting and the annual Shareholders meeting has been moved from the Golden Age Center to the Brookside Community Center, 1720 Brookside Ave., Brookside, CO 81212
3/15/16: As of March 15, 2016, DeWeese Ditch has a new (former) Ditch Superintendent, Dave Luscomb. At the February meeting the Board wished Luke Miller success in his new endeavors. Thank Luke if you see him for his service to the shareholders of DeWeese Dye Ditch & Reservoir Co.
10/6/15: The last day of water for the year will be Wednesday, October 14. The remaining water in the reservoirs will be drained in the days following.
10/1/15: We will have a water shut-off date after the board meeting on October 5.
5/30/15: Ditch water scheduled to begin Monday, June 1.
5/20/15: Due to the continued rain, ditch water will be delayed until June 1 at the earliest.
5/14/15: Water will begin May 25th at the earliest.
5/8/15: Start of irrigation has been set back to May 18th at the earliest due to rain and soil saturation..
5/5/15: Due to the rain and so many not using the water causing problems for others we are postponing the start of irrigation until at least May 11, 2015.
4/27/15: Due to the rain we are postponing the start of irrigation until at least May 4, 2015.
4/7/15: We are planning on starting regular two day a week irrigation on April 27th. Flushing the ditches and filling the small reservoirs will take place the prior week.
9/30/14: Due to problems with the work installing the new stems on the head gates at lake DeWeese there will be no water until Monday October 6, 2014, we will run that week and shut the main ditch down on October 11, then the following week the storage reservoirs will be drained.
There have been complaints that the water is not been turned on as early as it was during the summer. Due to safety concerns we do not want the Ditch Superintendent working in the dark, therefore as the days get shorter the water will come on later in the day. This has been the practice now for several years.
8/26/14: There will be no water delivered on Monday, Sept. 29, 2014 thru Wednesday, October 1, 2014. We can not release any water from the dam due to divers working on the head gates at Lake DeWeese. We will plan on resuming irrigation on October 2, 2014.
If conditions allow we will plan on running water until mid October 2014.
8/12/14: After 8 1/2 years of service, Ditch Superintendent Dave Luscomb has retired. To his credit, he never missed a day turning the water on/off. The Board of Directors hired Luke Miller as his replacement. The new Superintendent has the same phone number, 719-276-8568.
5/17/14: Because of the wet conditions that have come about due to our recent storms, the Board has decided to conserve our water and resume the regular irrigation schedule on Monday, May 19, 2014, rather than re-starting on Thursday May 15.
5/10/14: Due to forecasted low temperatures with snow and rain, the Board has decided to interrupt/stop water delivery until Thursday May 15, 2014. Division 3 will have water on Saturday, May 10.
4/28//14: Due to cool, windy conditions, the start of water has been delayed until Thursday May 1. The winds deposit large amounts of debris in the ditch. Thanks for your patience
4/8/14: This year's watering season starts April 28, 2014. Water will run in each division two days a week, as long as conditions are right. (Consult the section on this site labeled "Divisions & Schedules" to determine your water day). Cleaning of ditches is ongoing at the present. Please cooperate with the workers. Flushing of the ditches will occur April 24 and 25.
9/22/13: The last water for the 2013 irrigation season will run in the ditch on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, October 7, 8, and 9. After the final run, the reservoirs will be drained, so there will be some additional water in locations served by the reservoirs.
4/18/13: Due to the weather and snow we will now begin irrigation on May 6.
4/3/13: We will be flushing the system the week of April 22 and plan on starting irrigation on April 29, it will be one day a week, Monday first division, Tuesday second division and Wednesday third division
3/19/13: We lack 122 AF of filling our storage account this winter, which is considerably better than predicted due to a wet snow early March and warm weather. However, due to the low snowpack level in our watershed, at this time we will still plan on running once a week beginning in late April
All shareholders should inspect their ditch to make sure it is clean and free from debris or trash. If anyone has questions or concerns they should contact the ditch superintendent.
The ditch company is responsible for maintaining the main ditch and regulating the water to the various laterals. The share holders on the various laterals are responsible for maintaining their lateral. When time and resources permit the ditch rider may have his crew assist in maintaining laterals.